Sunday, August 21, 2011

Most recent pics of the kiddos, playing n the rain, finger painting, kids got in shower with all cloths one, Addy and the Disney Store

 Addy said this was her Daddy.....she really loves me  !!!!   ;)

Photos of the kids when they were younger....with Dad, Aaron, Anthony and MEME

 Barrett still loves it when I pick him up and throw him on the couch.....

I use to crawl all over the house chasing after Addison, my sweet baby.....look how little....

Stinkin Cute....

She still has that mischevious look   ;)

 Barrett loves his sister...
 I use to come home on a regular basis during lunch just to play with my babies....

Look at how they sweet they both are....
 They love each other so much and are still the best of friends....
 She has such a cute look on her face...
 This is Me coming home from work, this is exactly what would happen day after day.....
 Barrett would open the door and Addy would craw as fast as she could, raise up on her knees and I raise her arms for me to pick her up

My little SuperMan
 Can you see the look on her face, zoom it in and you can see her cute big funny and cute!
 That's my boy...No obstacle is TOO  BIG....especially for a balla!
 Barrett kissing his MEME through a tennis racket...he loves his MEME
 Uncle Anthony and Barrett....I know your looking at this ELDER MORRIS, stop crying!   ;)